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Showing posts from December, 2021

Let's talk about how we can practically apply critical thinking and research in our day to day lives while communicating any kind of professional, public and personal judgements and eventually advocate for social justice!

  As we grow older, we observe, experience, and eventually try and understand the world better. Have you ever wondered "Oh this is not how I pictured the world to be!" or "Why is everything around me so confusing, what exactly is the truth, and what exactly is not?" or "That's really cool or is it?" or "Am I really beautiful or am I not?" As adolescents or as "growing up to be adults" we might experience a ton of thoughts that sometimes are influenced by what is being fed to us by the media or the society at large. When we look around us today, what do we see? Conflicts, hatred, oppression, dharnas, etc, and many of us don't even understand why is there so much hatred or conflicts, many of us don't even talk about any of it or read enough whatsoever because somewhere or the other we think these issues don't affect us or because there is a kind of privilege that we have that prevents us from indulging in these issues. To